Vrygrond, Cape Town, — South Africa
Youth skills development and new competencies program

Making a difference with skills schools
Area — Special projects
Beneficiaries — 75 youths
The Sozo Foundation launched the Skills Development Program in 2016 to provide a safe, creative and dynamic space for unemployed youth. The model consists, first, of one month of instruction in life skills such as financial management, sexual and emotional health, time management, and communication. Following this, students who complete at least 75% of the life skills course enter six months of job skills development through the training schools. The six schools are those of barista, bakery, hairstyling, esthetics, construction, and coding. The program runs on an annual cycle that includes student recruitment, life skills courses, vocational training courses, and finally, preparation for entry into the workforce.
Give a Hand and Sozo Foundation Partnership
This is a first partnership experience between Give a Hand and Sozo Foundation. We are confident that the success of this project will inspire South African youth and positively influence the employability rate of young people.
The Sozo Foundation
For the past 12 years, the Sozo Foundation has been committed to the development of South African youth by providing them with quality professional and personal tools. Each year, more than 100 young people are directly affected by the initiative. With a graduation and placement rate of over 85%, Sozo helps young people build strong identities and develop their full potential in a positive and caring atmosphere.

Our mission: to see all young adults in Vrygrond, Cape Town, South Africa getting access to education, employment or training programs. Anton Cuyler, founder

In 2010, husband and wife team, Anton and Elana Cuyler, traded in their jobs in England after living 10 years abroad and returned to their home country, South Africa, to volunteer as youth workers in Cape Town initially and then created ten years ago the wonderful Sozo Foundation.