Meet them now

A committed and dedicated team

Give a Hand’s team is multicultural and all our volunteers are committed and passionate. They all bring various skills that allow our organization to evolve with a common mission to help our field partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Our volunteers are the very heart of Give a Hand. Their commitment for the past 10 years remains the catalyst for all our projects. Thanks to their generosity and devotion to research, management, project evaluations and administration, they all bring their rigor, expertise and contribution which allow us to continue our activities and look further ahead.

Daniel Lalande

Founder and President

Daniel Lalande is a costume designer who has worked in England, France, the United States and Canada for the past 25 years.

From 2002 to 2007 Daniel has worked with the Kupu-Kupu Foundation in Bali, Indonesia. In 2007, the Outpost magazine chose Daniel as one of “Fifteen Canadian Heroes” that contributed to changing the world through his volunteer work. He has also worked in Guatemala in collaboration with a coop aimed at Mayan women from low-income communities. In addition, he has worked with Vidya, an Indian NGO and within Pappankalan community he implemented an educational integration project for children and a training program in sewing and embroidery for women. From 2008 to 2012, he lived in Brazil and worked mostly on projects for young social entrepreneurs from low-income communities with Ashoka- Geraçao Muda Mundo initiative.

Since 2010, he’s been involved in many of Give a Hand projects, providing support, workshops, mentorship and expertise to a lot of  small non-profit organizations around the world.

“Serving others is not just about giving. It is about listening, hearing, understanding and then helping others. Giving a voice to those who do not have one, that is what drives me within Give a Hand” Daniel Lalande, Founder and President

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of individuals, all volunteers, who exercise decision-making authority over Give a Hand’s activities, considering the orientations we have set for ourselves.

Johanne de Champlain

Board Member and vice-president

After practising for more than 30 years as a nurse in various hospitals and as an international adoption workshop facilitator, Johanne redirected her career towards international development. She participated in ten missions in Latin America in optometry, ophthalmology and dental care.

Johanne also worked two years as a volunteer nurse in Bolivia with burned children and at the neonatal unit. Today, she works as a volunteer at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

With the Give a Hand team, Johanne is responsible for Human resources and Fundraising with potential donors and she is also a member of the board of directors and vice-president.

Sophie Franchette

Team Coordinator and board member

Sophie Franchette has a degree in international development. An adventurer, she acquired a solid field experience by traveling in Vietnam, Burkina Faso or in the Republic of Congo. Originally from France, Sophie moved to Montreal 6 years ago. She has been involved with the Givea Hand team for years and she is thrilled that the volunteer work she does with the organization got her reconnected with her first love: international causes relating to education and children. Managing daily projects with our different partners around the world is inspiring for Sophie.

What she particularly likes about Give a Hand is the closeness to people on the ground and the opportunity of working with passionate people. Sophie is a member of the board of Give a Hand.

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Project Managers

All our project managers are volunteers and most of them have completed training in international development, have worked or are currently working in this sector or related ones. They are dedicated to each project undertaken by Give a Hand internationally and they ensure follow-up of projects developed with our partners and communications with our donors.

Diane Bachand

Project Manager

Diane Bachand is passionate about international development and social justice. She is a graduate in social work with a specialization in community organizations.
She devoted more than 40 years of her professional life to supporting organizations in carrying out innovative projects that directly impact the living conditions of vulnerable populations, in particular women.
Whether in Quebec, Latin America, Asia or Africa, Diane has always been keen to promote the leadership of women, indigenous people, and marginalized groups. Building bridges between people and organizations has been an important focus of the work she has conducted in different countries.
She lived for nearly 10 years in Latin America (Peru), represented CECI and acted as a program manager in sectors as varied as rural development, social entrepreneurship, promoted civil rights and gender equality. She has also worked with the One Drop Foundation in managing water access projects and promoting social art.
Diane is very happy to offer her expertise to Give a Hand which perfectly matches her values of effective and human cooperation and solidarity.

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Francine Roy

Project Manager

Holder of a master’s degree in business administration, a bachelor’s degree in music and a teaching certificate, Francine’s professional narrative thread turns around three axes: teaching, development and organization. After working 10 years as a teacher, 12 years in industrial development, she dedicated over 20 years managing international cooperation projects in Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali and Haiti.
These projects include projects in the fields of cooperative economic activities,
entrepreneurship, social, physical and economic restructuring of environments affected by disastrous circumstances, governance and implementation of politics and programs related to equality between men and women. Francine joined Give a Hand to continuehelping in the implementation of projects that make a real difference in the life of less privileged populations.

Jennifer Lachance

Project Manager

Recently graduated with a master’s degree in Project Management - International Development and Humanitarian Aid, Jennifer is an enthusiastic young professional motivated by international solidarity, gender equality and climate justice.
Over the past few years, her academic background and personal travels have allowed her to explore several regions of the world such as Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and Oceania where she has developed a real passion for international cooperation.
As such, Jennifer is very happy to be involved with Give a Hand as a project manager.

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Carolina Mardones Stuardo

Feedback and Assessment manager

A graduate student in project management and holder of a bachelor’s degree in business administration acquired in Chile, Carolina has developed her professional career in her home country before migrating to Canada. She has worked in the Chilean government and in the private sector. She has always been involved with social organizations and particularly with the Foundation to Overcome Poverty, an organization that embraces the principles and values of equity, integration, and social justice.
With this Foundation, Carolina was able to manage programs for employability, economic and social support of populations hit by natural disasters, development of cooperatives, social entrepreneurship, home economics workshops, urban infrastructure with the participation of the national government as partner.
With Give a Hand , Carolina is responsible for the follow-up and feedback with our partner organisations.

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Caio Santiago de Souza

Project Manager

An engineer by training, Caio also holds a certificate in international development from the University of Montreal. He is currently pursuing his master's degree in International Studies with a specialization in Cooperation, Development and Economics within the same institution. Caio hails from the northeast of Brazil, specifically from the beautiful city of Salvador, Bahia. He has a particular pride for his hometown, but this did not prevent him from exploring new horizons by settling in Montreal. Once his master's degree is finished, he intends to realize his dream: to change the world through international cooperation. He has also worked at Oxfam Quebec since January 2022 and likes to share his knowledge with Quebec youth.
Thus, Caio is very happy to be able to join the Give a Hand team as a project manager and accumulate other great experiences that will make the world a fairer and more united place

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Daphné Guénette

Project Manager

A graduate in international development and globalization, Daphné is interested in issues related to climate change, security and the well-being of populations from a perspective of sustainable development. She is pursuing her master's degree in international development and humanitarian action management and is motivated to work in project management.
Over the past few years, she has undertaken several trips that have allowed her to broaden her knowledge and develop a great passion for international cooperation.
Thus, Daphné is very happy and motivated to get involved as a project manager within the Give a Hand team and contribute to its mandate.

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Marta Perreira

Program manager

Marta is a law and journalism graduate with studies in diplomacy, international politics, and project management, with a keen interest in international cooperation and social action. After working as a journalist and in the communications field for various companies, she finally decided to take the plunge and start a career in the field of cooperation and solidarity.
This is, in fact, the field she always dreamed of working in. As a result, she has worked in advocacy and mobilization focusing on different topics, at both international and community level.

She has also wide experience volunteering for many NGOs. She has worked on the ground with non-Spanish speakers immigrants in Spain, organized several fundraising campaigns or raised awareness on various human rights issues. She is passionate about social justice and giving to others.

Marta is very interested in women's rights, the environment and sustainable development, and culture, which can be a key tool for triggering important social change. She's delighted to be able to get involved with Give a Hand and to put her energy and knowledge to good use!

Olivia Mabote

Program manager

Olivia holds a master's degree in Political Science and a bachelor's degree in business management. She is passionate about topics such as inclusion, fight for gender equity, social justice, empowerment and entrepreneurship for women and women's and children's rights.
Her beginnings in the community sector led her to work actively in Côte-des Neiges and Notre-Dame de Grâce in Montreal as coordinator of art, equity and gender programs. She also promotes the importance of artistic expression in the process of economic and social change as she strongly believes that art helps to free minds.
Her knowledge and expertise have been shaped through various trips and cultural encounters in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe which allow her to have a very open vision on local and international challenges. She is also the founder of a podcast called " Une discussion avec Tantine" which promotes personal leadership through topics such as mental health, well-being, the definition of success or the place of modern women in society. Olivia is thrilled to join the team of Give a Hand and contribute to the development of it's mission.

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Our advisers are also volunteers, chosen and selected by the President of Give a Hand in order to enlighten us on legal or philanthropic aspects, or aspects of a more social nature with our partners in the field.

Jacques Rajotte


Jacques was the senior director of international programs for CUSO International in Ottawa from 2016 to 2020.
Since then, he has been appointed Interim Executive Director of the International Center of Expertise in Montreal on Artificial Intelligence.

Jacques has a degree in Law (LL.L) at the Université de Montréal, a master’s degree in international law (LL.M.) at McGill University and an MBA at the Richard Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario).

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Luis Soel Rodas


Luis Soel Rodas is an international development consultant. His areas of expertise include cultural perspectives, intercultural communication, and their influences on how to manage international projects.

Luis gives pre-departure training for candidates working abroad, as well as for foreign delegates arriving in Canada. He is a lecturer at the Univeristy of Quebec in Hull.

Within the Give a Hand team, Luis brings his knowledge of international issues, international development expertise, and a network of contacts in Latin America.

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Fernando A. Chinchilla


Fernando A. Chinchilla holds a PhD in political sciences from the University of Montreal. He alternated assignments in university teaching and scientific research with positions in applied research, action research and international project management for governmental and non-governmental entities. His area of interest revolves around collective violence, conflict prevention, resolution, and transformation, and the promotion of human rights in Latin America and Africa. Senior Analyst at CIPC, he is an associate member of the Les Afriques dans le Monde Laboratory (Sciences-Po Bordeaux) and a founding member and Director of the Transnational Laboratory for Sustainable Peace (PAZSOS).

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KerryAnn Cochrane


KerryAnn has been working as a facilitator and trainer for some twenty years. During this time, she has accompanied many different groups in Canada and around the world in processes focusing on topics such as organizational culture, intercultural relations, EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) and international cooperation, among others. She has also worked extensively with Canadian volunteers before and after their mandates in different parts of the world and with international students coming to Quebec.

With a Bachelor's degree in Education and a strong interest in participatory facilitation, appreciative inquiry and experiential learning, KerryAnn has put her training and experience in these fields to use in a variety of ways over the years. She has also lived, stayed or worked in various communities in Africa (Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali), Asia (Japan), Polynesia (Samoa), Europe (France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sweden) and several regions in North America (Mexico, USA, Canada).

The work done by Give a Hand resonates deeply with her, as she has experienced first-hand the positive impact that person-to-person contact can have on human relationships, transcending cultural boundaries. She also strongly believes in the benefits of partnership in the field of community development; it's when a dedicated team like Give a Hand works with other heart-led organizations whose people have an intimate knowledge of their own communities’ contexts, that real, sustainable change is possible.

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Administrative Support

The administrative support team of Give a Hand ensures the daily run of a set of established procedures, namely the administration, the treasury, the management of human resources and fundraising as well as the research for new partnerships.

Monique Pelletier


Monique Pelletier was an outstanding volunteer for all of us at Give a Hand. Attentive to the needs of others and available to help them when necessary. It is this natural compassion that led her to join the Give a Hand team in 2010.

As part of the team, Monique was, from the start, responsible for the smooth running of administrative files as secretary of the organization. She will forever remain in our memories. Thanks Monique!

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Marie-Odette Charbonneau

Honorary Member

Marie-Odette was born and raised in the Vendée region of France. At a very young age she had a passion for the province of Quebec. This has been her home for the last 20 years. As a businesswoman, she joined the Groupe Première Moisson in 1998 and set up three
high-performing pastry bakeries with other associates.
Marie-Odette is passionate about every form of art. For example, she was an active member of the Festival Transamériques and member of the Board of the Quebec International Duo-Piano Festival’s and of the Van Grimde Corps Secrets, a contemporary dance company.
Ms. Charbonneau is known for her huge generosity and natural compassion. Although she is quite busy, she never declines an offer to help a friend, welcome a visitor to her home or to get involved in a charitable event. She always finds time!

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Julie Paquet


Since 1976, Julie Paquet has been working as a nurse at Ste Justine Hospital in many departments such has intensive care, emergency unit, delivery unit and the dialysis clinic. She’s worked in the past as the treasurer for the nurses’ union.

Julie got involved in the school committee of her area and was also president of the Orientation council.

From 2003 to 2014, Julie was responsible and participated in the Ste Justine hospital camps for children who receive dialysis and also those who received kidney transplants.

With the Give a Hand team, Julie is working as the treasurer.

Eloîse Robert

Communications and Social Media Manager

Passionate about the power of words and the art of communication, Éloïse is a journalist since 2017, specialized in radio. She has worked in various local media in France, abroad, and in Quebec, covering a wide range of reports. Her favorite topics: society and culture.

Today, by joining the Give a hand team, she aims to highlight inspiring humanitarian projects and fully contribute to causes that personally resonate with her!

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