West Bengal — India
Feminine hygiene and health (phase 2)

Sanitary napkins manufacturing program and training – Awareness training on women’s health
Area — Women's empowerment
Beneficiaries — 10,000 women
Through a second project of awareness, promotion and manufacture of environment friendly and low-cost sanitary napkins, the Anirban Rural Welfare organization focuses on the importance of making this program accessible to the greater number of women. The proposed project will train women in sanitary pads manufacturing, raising awareness in schools and community centers in the district of South 24 Parganas in West Bengal in India and will offer to thousands of women safe hygienic products produced at low cost.
The support of Monde par la Main/ Give a Hand to this project will make it possible for thousands of women living in the district of South 24 Parganas in West Bengal to manufacture, sell and raise awareness among girls and women in schools, community centers and others on the importance of breaking the taboo, still very present today, that surrounds the feminine hygiene and menstruation of Indian women.
Partnership Give a Hand and Anirban Rural Welfare, Anirban Rural Welfare was founded in 2000 with the support of professors, doctors, social workers, and volunteers. The organization wishes to reach the most marginalized women, youth, and children of the Indian society, and guide them in skills development in order to improve their livelihood and defend their rights that are too often flouted.
Empower women and children for a brighter future, it’s our organization’s mission.

Anirban Rural Welfare
The Anirban Rural Welfare organization has existed since 2000, it was established by a group of professionals, doctors, social workers and volunteers in order to offer many support programs to the poorest population of the South 24 Parganas district in the state of West Bengal. The organization also works in Bangalore, Chennai, Cuttack, Kolkata, Tamil Nadu, Kerala as well as in West Bengal. The two in charge, we work with are Premlatha Ramaswamy who’s advisor and facilitator for the project and Arpita Chaudhuri who’s the project manager. Two passionate leaders we are proud to support on this project.